Revitalizing Southern West Virginia: The Impact of Honey and Beekeeping Initiatives

Revitalizing Southern West Virginia: The Impact of Honey and Beekeeping Initiatives
Image via Fayette Tribune

Honey boosts southern West Virginia economy and brings value to Appalachia and the Mountain State

Fayette Tribune | Monday, October 21, 2024

By Terri J. Giles

Published by the Fayette Tribune, the article explores how honey production and beekeeping initiatives, spearheaded by the Appalachian Beekeeping Collective (ABC), are revitalizing the economy in southern West Virginia and promoting ecological awareness. By providing education and resources to local beekeepers, ABC not only boosts income in economically distressed areas but also fosters a greater understanding of pollinator conservation and native ecosystem restoration. Through partnerships and innovative practices, they aim to create sustainable economic opportunities while enhancing environmental stewardship in the region.

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