Shepherdstown Reading Group Donates Philip Roth Collection to Library

Local group donates entire collection of Philip Roth books to Shepherdstown Public Library
The Journal | Friday, February 7, 2025
In a heartwarming initiative stemming from the pandemic, Shepherdstown resident Howard Wachtel inspired a group of friends from the Shepherd University Lifelong Learning program to embark on a shared journey through the works of acclaimed novelist Philip Roth. This Legendary Shepherdstown Philip Roth Reading Group undertook the monumental task of reading all 31 of Roth's books over four years. To celebrate their literary accomplishment, the group donated a complete collection of Roth's works to the Shepherdstown Public Library, which previously held only one of his novels. The group continues to meet weekly, exploring literature that has influenced Roth, fostering both camaraderie and a deeper appreciation of his development as a writer, all while strengthening community bonds in Shepherdstown.